Ply on the Fly
It’s a bit of magic rolled up with a little technique. It’s fun and
simple and you’ll have a completed yarn when your spindle is full! We will also troubleshoot
spindling techniques and problems.
Spindle- The Snyder Gear Spindle (available to purchase at Piney Creek) is a perfect spindle for
this class, but any spindle type with a hook at the top of the shaft works, including high-
or low-whorl. Not suitable for supported spindles, hand held
spindles, or spindles without a hook. Spindles will be available to borrow in class upon
Intermediate Level-must be able to spin a long, continuous thread on a spindle
Length-2 1/2 hours
Bring-any medium grade wool fiber that you feel comfortable spinning. Fiber is available for purchase with a 10% discount.
Instructor: | Anita |
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